The Administrative Law owns a range of strands for the functioning of the State and the administrative machine, which involves everything from functions exercised by agents to public organs or regulatory agencies. It’s crucial to the specialization on Regulatory Law seeking the conciliation between claims from public nature and private nature.
Searching for the best way to help our clients, we count with specialized professionals who use the most modern administrative and regulatory tools available today, with a broad expertise offering legal support in the following themes:
- Consultancy about norms or rules that involve public administration
- Direct action in front of different governmental organs and regulatory agencies
- Representation on judicial and administrative proceedings
- Establishing preventive practices
- Control over public contracts
- Involvement in bidding public procurement procedures, with emphasis on elaboration and reviewing of long-term contracts and complex concession projects, and public-private partnerships.
- Public workers
- Private hospitals and “Santas Casas de Misericórdia” to help equalize the public-private relationship
Sectors served:
- Infrastructure
- Transportation
- Railroad
- Energy
- Oil and gas
- Water
- Communication